Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

who we are - archive

what is churches together?


No Longer Strangers - Pilgrims!

Nid Dieitriaid Mwyach - Pererinion!

Luchd-Turuis - Conhla!


In 1987, at a meeting in Swanwick, the churches adopted a declaraton on
Christian unity.

It acknowledged that the churches are of different traditions and theologies, but were nonetheless committing themselves to a journey towards full visible unity.

"Churches Together" was the result of this process which replaced the British Council of Churches with bodies that included a broader spread of churches, especially the Roman Catholic Church.

Churches Together places the emphasis upon the Churches in pilgrimage together towards full visible unity rather than ecumenical institutions acting and speaking on behalf of the churches.

Churches Together is therefore an 'instrument' by which the churches journey towards full visible unity.

The Inter Church Process that culminated in the Swanwick Declaration created Churches Together bodies in England, Scotland and Wales which were primarily concerned with local and regional ecumenism.

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland was set up to take forward the churches' ecumenical agenda on a strategic Four Nations basis.

It works closely with Action for Churches Together in Scotland, CYTUN (Churches Together in Wales), Churches Together in England and the Irish Council of Churches.

CTBI is therefore an expression of the churches' commitment to work ecumenically across the Four Nations and beyond.


Paper cut-outs holding hands
© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -