Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

mission - archive



All links are to external websites

Fresh expression of community on the high street. It brings communities into the relaxed café atmosphere of Costa Coffee and other coffee shops to deal with issues from a faith perspective.

Evangelism UK
News from the Churches Coordinating Group for Evangelisation (GfE) of Churches Together in England. You can subscribe to the email newsletter and view the archive of previous stories.

Fresh Expressions
Encourages new forms of church for a fast changing world, working with Christians from a variety of denominations and traditions.

Grove Books
Aims to stimulate and equip Christian community by providing clear and concise explorations of Christian living and ministry.

Healthy Church UK
Works with local churches and church leaders of every shade and tradition - traditional, charismatic, emerging, liturgical, newly planted - with the aim of helping them to improve their health and growth.

Natural Church Development in the UK
Worldwide approach to church growth based on the largest ever research project into the development and growth of the church.

Explores the life of Jesus, His character, teachings and followers, how He has been quoted and misquoted, written about, worshipped and argued over.

Share Jesus International
Unites in mission with individuals, churches, church departments and Christian agencies.

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