Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

china - archive

amity teaching programme 

british and irish amity teaching group 

The British and Irish Amity Teachers Group recruits Christian English language teachers to work in colleges of further and higher education in China.

Teachers are needed not only to take classes but also to help improve the overall quality of English teaching in China. English is a key to success within the education system which in itself is a key to success in later life. Failure to pass English language exams at middle school or high school preclude progress to the next level.

Teaching assignments for our current teachers include courses on writing, teaching methodology culture and conversation. The native English speaker offers a unique opportunity to build confidence and fluency whilst modelling good practice in teacher-student relationships.

Working with the Amity Foundation provides a distinct chance to discover and experience Chinese life and culture from the inside. The Amity programme encourages teachers to identify themselves with their local churches, as appropriate, and serve their local Christian community. Teachers are able to get to know fellow Amity teachers from over a dozen nations and a broad variety of faith backgrounds - giving them first-hand experience of the international ecumenical family.

To get a better understanding of the experience of an Amity teacher, you can read some Testimonies from past Amity Teachers.

In Britain and Ireland the Amity Teachers Programme is supported by the following Organisations.

a Chinese lady with her child
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