Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

what's new - archive

churches together in
britain and ireland



20 August 2014

CTBI moderator Bishop Angaelos interviewed on BBC TV on crisis in Middle East


18 November 2013

Vacancy: General Secretary of ACTS

18 April 2013

Vacancy: Director of World Church Programmes, CTBI  


1 August 2012

Crisis in Syria


28 July 2011

CTBI Responds to Events in Norway

26 July 2011

Letter of support to Norwegian Council of Churches 

22 June 2011

Statement from Council of Bishops in Damascus, Syria calling for a prayer of peace regarding Syria's political situation

17 January 2011
CTBI offers free website and hosting to local Churches Together groups

CTBI's social network means we are More Together Less Apart


13 November 2009
Waiting for the coming of Christ during an economic recession

20 October 2009
Churches' body welcomes comments by Secretary of State on relationship between government and faith

27 August 2009
Enthusiasm for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

21 August 2009
Church leaders support Climate Change Day of Prayer

9 June 2009
Creation in Crisis: churches plan month of prayer and action

4 June 2009
Church leader to warn of heightened risk of xenophobia with credit crunch 

25 March 2009
Growing interest in Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

19 February 2009
BBC Radio preachers for Lent announced

15 January 2009
Britain's churches to discuss current economic crisis


15 October 2008
Sense Making Faith - Lent resources for 2009 with BBC Radio

6 October 2008
Face to face with each other and the world in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

4 July 2008
Churches launch 'Hope for Creation' resources

3 July 2008
Statement by British churches on Christian-Hindu relationships

19 June 2008
British church leaders urge Southern African countries to "redouble" efforts to ensure fair elections in Zimbabwe

19 June 2008
Update: 60th anniversary of the arrival of the SS Empire Windrush

7 March 2008
Responding to the Passion

28 January 2008
BBC's The Passion - Guidance from the Churches' media Council


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