Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

resources - archive

free website

home page editor


Click on 'Home Page' in the left-hand menu to edit your content on the home page

Home Page editor

Enter words in the Keywords META tag field that you think your website visitors might use to search for your website in a search engine such as Google. We've entered some for you: you could just change 'anytown' to your own group's name until you have a clearer idea of the likely search terms.

Also enter a description for your website in the Description META tag field.

The Strapline will appear in the left-hand column of the home page and any other pages that don't have a left-hand menu. You can leave the default text but you should change 'Anytown' to the name of your group.

In the Page Content box, enter information that you would like either in the top section of your home page or in the left-hand column of the central area (depending upon whether you have chosen your home page content to be displayed across 1 or 2 columns - see setup).

In the Community Links box, you enter information that you want either in the bottom section of your home page, or in the right-hand column of the central area.

Home Page editor

Local Churches Together website example
© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -