Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

church and public issues - archive

European elections 2014


Elections for the European Parliament took place in the UK on 22 May 2014.

European Parliament elections have often attracted a low turnout of voters in the UK. Only a third of voters participated in the 2009 European elections, compared to two thirds who voted in the 2010 General Election.

Opinion may be divided about the benefits of being a part of the European Union (EU), but our daily lives are affected by the decisions taken there.

Briefing for churches

The following briefing by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church in Britain and the United Reformed Church explains why the elections are important to us and can be used to reflect on some key issues, from immigration and tax to the environment and human rights:

Euro elections 2014European elections 2014 resource for churches link to external website 

Christian Aid European elections briefing

Christian Aid has produced a short briefing which outlines the importance of the European Union in tackling poverty and helps us consider questions to put to candidates ahead of the elections:

Christian Aid Euro elections briefing 2014Christian Aid European elections briefing (PDF) link to external website

Information from CEC and European Christian organisations

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) has partnered with other Christian organisations to produce a website giving information about the European elections.

A downloadable leaflet encourages us to use our vote, explaining why the opportunity for voters to influence EU policy has never been greater.

CEC Euro elections website 2014Christian organisations on European Elections 2014 link to external website

Faith in Europe - why Christians should vote

Faith in Europe, the Churches European Relations Network (a Body in Association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland), has a web page detailing why Christians should vote and some of the issues to consider.

Ken Medhurst, Faith in Europe's Research Director, has also produced a reflection on the elections link to external website.

Faith in Europe - Euro electionsFaith in Europe - EU elections information link to external website



ballot paper

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