Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

action on asylum and refugees - archive

churches' refugee network

conference 2015


Providing Sanctuary in an Age of Austerity - A Christian Response

CRN Annual Conference in partnership with the London CRN

Saturday 21st March 2015
11.00am - 3.30 pm
Islington Centre for Refugees
& Migrants
Cross St, London, N1

CRN Conference 2015 - Programme and Booking (PDF)

Conference's Programme

10.30am Registration and Hot Drinks

11.00am Welcome by The Rt Revd Joathan Clark, Bishop of Croydon

11.10am Dr Alexander Betts, Director, Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University

11.40 am Don Flynn, Director, Migrants' Rights Network

12.10pm Dr Angus Ritchie, Director, Centre for Theology & Community

12.30pm Lunch

1.00pm Let me detain you... Kizza talks from personal experience and beyond

1.30pm Workshops - to be announced ahead of the conference

2.20 pm Churches' Refugee Network - update from the Chair

2.30pm Plenary Panel and Release of Conference Statement

3.20pm Closure and Depart (3.30pm)

Refreshments: hot drinks will be provided.

Lunch: Food prepared by the Refugee Community will be available(cost is not included in the conference fee - donations invited on the day). Alternatively, please bring your own sandwiches.

Cost: £10, unwaged £5, free to refugees & asylum seekers.

Workshops: options will be notified ahead of the Conference.

Bookings: Please contact Wendy Cooper, Church and Society, United Reformed Church, 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RT. Phone: 020 7916 8632, or email.
Churches\' Refugee Network conference 2015
© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -