Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

theology and unity - archive

week of prayer
for Christian unity

go and do



Go and Do action points  

DAY 1: It is necessary to go through Samaria (John 4:4)

Find out where Christian Aid works to help communities overcome conflict through dialogue (PDF) link to external website

Organise a sofa session discussion link to external website with the young people from neighbouring churches on conflict.

Find out how dialogue is helping communities overcome years of conflict in Colombia link to external website

Find out more about conflict transformation networks in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales:

DAY 2: Tired of the journey, Jesus sat down facing the well (John 4:6)

Find out how clean water is being provided for communities in Ethiopia link to external website saving women from having to walk long distances and risk their safety.

Take a collection together with surrounding churches to contribute to the provision of household pumping wells link to external websiteor the building of a well in El Salvador link to external website

DAY 3: 'I have no husband' (John 4:17)

Find out how communities across the world are tackling gender based violence and challenging gender stereotypes link to external website

Brazil has the seventh highest rate of violence against women in the world. Find out how the church in Brazil is seeking to address gender issues link to external website

Find out about work being done on domestic violence locally, for example the Cumbria Church Leaders campaign to stop violence against women link to external website

Is your church a safe place for victims of domestic violence? Use this article as a discussion starter link to external website

DAY 4: Then the woman left her water jar (John 4:28)

The challenges of a changing climate require us to be in a new relationship with the earth. Get together as churches and discuss what you love about the world and how you want the world to be. Commit as a community of churches to fast for the climate on the first of the month.

Share what you love about the world link to external website

Look at the 'Fast for the climate' information from Christian Aid link to external website

Keep up-to-date with the latest climate change campaign in the lead up to the significant UN talks in Paris, December 2015 link to external website

DAY 5: You have no bucket and the well is deep (John 4:11)

Find out more about receptive ecumenism and what learning has been done by others:

Enter into partnership as a community of churches with a global community who are seeking to help others link to external website

DAY 6: Jesus said: ‘The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life' (John 4:14)

Find out how much water is required in the processing of different foods link to external website

Plan to mark World Water Day, Sunday 22nd March link to external website

Learn from communities across the world seeking to conserve water link to external website

Support Christian Aid partners seeking to provide clean water and sanitation to communities across the world link to external website

DAY 7: ‘Give me to drink' (John 4:7,15)

Use The Prophetic Church link to external website as a resource for a church or group of churches to inspire you to action.

Become a Christian Aid campaigner link to external website

Find out more about Intercultural Biblical Dialogue with Christian Aid link to external website

DAY 8: Many believed because of the woman's testimony (John 4:39)

This year marks the 70th anniversary of Christian Aid - 70 years of churches working together in unity to fulfil the mission of ending poverty. Get involved.

Be part of Christian Aid Week link to external website

Find out about the events marking this anniversary link to external website


Week of prayer for Christian Unity 2015
© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -