Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

action on asylum and refugees - archive

action on asylum and refugees


This section contains a number of 'tools' for churches who are acting in support of individual asylum seekers or who want to speak up on topics of current strategic importance in asylum.

Document thumbnailAsylum Applications and Christian Witness in Court (PDF)
A model form for anyone who needs to testify on the conversion to Christianity of a fellow church member who is an asylum seeker.
It was prepared by an experienced and well known immigration lawyer who herself is a lay preacher.


Document to downloadPhone cards: how to provide proof of regular contact (PDF)
Here is a way of obtaining lists of numbers which have been dialled using a phone card, so you can prove who you have regularly spoken to (Art.8 Family visits and - reunion).


RGS migration reportRoyal Geographic Society report - UK Migration Controversies (PDF)
A guide that contains answers to misconceptions about both migration and asylum external link

Report: Children without a voiceReport: Children without a voice
Report looking at the psychological effects of asylum refusal on children in Sweden:
Institute of Race Relations external link
(Note: you need to register free with before downloading)

Istanbul ProtocolTorture in asylum claims: Guidance on expert medical reports, & need for treatment
Istanbul Protocol: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment:
United Nations Human Rights (PDF)  external link


Swiss Army knife
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