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dispossession project
Photo: Christopher Schoenbohm, Rémi Kaupp, Sheppard Robson, wagneriteam and Sebastian Niedlich
The Dispossession Project is a set of resources to help understand more deeply the relationship between God's mission to which we are called and our own social responsibilities to others and to the whole of creation. It is a joint project between Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and the Mission Theology Advisory Group (MTAG) .
Resources are available on the Dispossession Project website . The website is designed to be used on tablets and smartphones as well as PCs.
Home House
Reflect on issues around home and homelessness. Home House
Eco House
The fifth ‘mark' of mission looks at how we should care for God's creation. Eco House
Prison House
Explore issues related to human injustice, limitation of freedom and liberty, including limitation of religious freedom and expression. Prison House
The Resources are designed around topics in mission and social responsibility, and you can choose which ones you want to explore. This can be done by using the resources creatively, perhaps as a pilgrimage or as a means of encounter with a particular topic in multiple ways.
The purpose of the pilgrimage is to focus on the idea of personal and communal dispossession:
- What do we need to let go of to encounter God's purpose for us more clearly?
- What can we give away or offer to others?
- What do we need to dump or abandon as being unhelpful or even toxic to our growth as human beings beloved of God?
- What burdens can we leave behind?
To make best use of the resources, please download this guide:
Dispossession Project - how to use this resource (PDF)