racial justice - archive
racial justice sunday 2014
a celtic journey: a celtic welcome
Racial Justice Sunday 14 September 2014
(or any Sunday during the year)
This year's resources have been kindly produced by the Cytûn: Churches Together in Wales' Racial Justice Network.
Drawing on a modern, diverse and sophisticated liturgical culture profoundly aware of the pilgrimage journeying of Wales' Celtic roots, the resources touch on the following themes:
- As Christians we are all on a journey
- God's people were migrants
- Given our Christian history we should be welcoming to minorities in our midst
The resources are presented in Word and PDF format. Please note that the resources contain copyright material for which permission has been sought for Racial Justice Sunday 2014 only.
Racial Justice Sunday Resource Pack 2014 (PDF, 700k)
Racial Justice Sunday Resource Pack 2014 (docx, 1.6MB)
Racial Justice Sunday Resource Pack 2014 (Welsh/English) (PDF, 1.1MB)
Racial Justice Sunday Resource Pack 2014 (Welsh/English) (docx, 2.7MB)