resources - archive
downloads and online
Our extensive collection of resources relating to our work prior to April 2015 includes online, PDF, Word, Powerpoint, video and MP3 audio formats. Many of these are designed to be used or adapted for sermons, personal and group study.
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Action on Asylum and Refugees
Asylum - ToolboxAsylum in Britain - Revd Canon Anthony Harvey
Festival of Nine Lessons and CarolsA World in Waiting (Advent 2009)
China Desk
China Online Study Centre China Study Journal
Church in the Public Square
Video, audio and papers of presentationsChurch and Public Issues
Good Society projectChurches General Election resources (2010)
Economic Crisis conference - talks and recordings
Environment and Climate Change
God, Whose Farm is All Creation - Creation Time 2014Water justice - Creation Time 2013
Sustainable energy in creation - Creation Time 2012
Our Daily Bread - Creation Time 2011
Creation Flourishing - Creation Time 2010
Creation in Crisis - Creation Time 2009
Hope for Creation - Creation Time 2008
Climate Change Day of Prayer
A Common Word - Above Us and Between UsCTBI and Inter Faith - a History
Holocaust Memorial Day
POLIN 2004
Inter Faith worship
International Students
Resources Lent
Parables and Possessions (2014)This is Our Story: Journeys of Faith (2013)
The Way to Freedom (Lent 2012)
The Unreconciled (Lent 2011)
People on the Edge of His Pain (Lent 2010)
Sense Making Faith (Lent 2009)
Pathways of Prayer (Lent 2008)
Dispossession ProjectFoundations for Mission
Apology - Christian reflections
Edinburgh 2010
Mission Resources
Racial Justice
A Celtic Journey: a Celtic Welcome RJS 2014Dreams of the 'Beloved Community' RJS 2013
Being an Inclusive Church and not an Exclusive Club
Directory of alternative funding and advice
Created by God, treated like slaves RJ Sunday 11
Migration: Building Bridges or Barriers? RJ Sunday 10
Changing Face of Britain and Ireland RJ Sunday 09
Black History Month, Mental Health, Refugee Week
Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday Resources Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Well is Deep (2015)Is Christ Divided? (2014)
What does God require of us? (2013)
We Will All Be Changed (2012)
All Things in Common (2011)
Messy Church resources on Christian Unity
You Are Witnesses (2010)
Reconcile Your People (2009)
Pray Without Ceasing (2008)