church and public issues - archive
good society
Good Society project
What role does faith have in creating a good society? An exploration of different people, places and projects across the UK, and the values and faith they share.
Good Society toolkit
Following the launch of the Good Society project on 21 May 2014, we are now looking for communities around the four nations to add their own voice and answer the question: 'What does a Good Society mean to you?'
To help we have produced a toolkit that can be used by local groups to undertake their own Good Society research:
Good Society Toolkit (PDF, 4.4MB)
Please send us your stories and conversations, or ask questions
Email , phone 0845 680 6851 or write to:
CTBI, 39 Eccleston Square,
London SW1V 1BX
Launch event
Read reports on the launch event with Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Baron Maurice Glasman and others, and watch videos of the presentations:
Project report and website
The Good Society project has given a voice to different communities across the UK by asking the question 'what does a good society mean to you?'
Through a participatory research process, church and faith-based groups were asked to tell their own story in their own words.
What has emerged has been informative and enlightening, with much unheralded work illustrating how care and community building is taking place around the UK.
The results are presented in the report, available to download below, and also the Good Society website which includes many more inspirational stories, videos and photos.
Good Society project report (PDF, 5.8MB)
Social Media
Interact on the Good Society Facebook page
Follow the Good Society project on Twitter