Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

lent 2014 study

parables and possessions


In 2012 the Church of Scotland General Assembly received the report of the Special Commission on the Purposes of Economic Activity - A right relationship with money.

For Lent 2014, a small writers group has produced a six-session study resource based upon this report. The group was chaired by Professor Charles Munn, who was Chair of the Special Commission.

Our Lent study traditionally starts on the first Sunday of Lent, but please feel free to adapt the material to your own needs.

Study guide 

Parable and Possessions - Lent study guideLent study 2014 - Parables and Possessions (English)
PDF, 2.7MB

Lent study 2014 - Parables and Possessions (Eng) Low Res  
(lower image quality to reduce file size) PDF, 800k

(Please note these are large files - see download guide)

Large print (text only) / accessibility version

Large print for Lent 2014Lent study 2014 - Parables and Possessions (English)
Doc, 125k

Welsh / English version

Lent 2014 Welsh/English study guideLent study 2014 - Parables and Possessions (Welsh)
PDF , 3.5MB

Lent study 2014 - Parables and Possessions (Welsh) Low Res
(lower image quality to reduce file size) PDF, 1MB

(Please note these are large files - see download guide)

Themes for the 6 weeks

Each session consists of four parts: Jesus' experiences - Lent reflection; Jesus' teaching - parables and stories; Go and do likewise - what it means for us today; and prayers.

Publicity images

Parables and Possessions - CTBI Lent 2014High resolution for print (Flickr) link to external website

Web optimised (Flickr) link to external website


Parables and Possessions

© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -