Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

theology and unity - archive

ctbi conference

church in the public square


Photo: David SimCreative Commons logo


In November 2010, members of the networks of CTBI met to reflect upon the Church in the public square.


‘Proclaiming the Christian Mystery in the Public Square' (full version)
Archbishop Vincent Nichols

Short extract (3min 41s)

"The English people had an experience of the faith
they actually still believe in..."

The presentation and Q&A session are also available as audio MP3 files:

CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Vincent Nichols (11.7MB)
CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Vincent Nichols Q&A (18MB)

Vincent Nichols paperPaper:
Proclaiming the Christian Mystery - Archbishop Vincent Nichols (PDF) 

'Doing Justice in the Public Square'
Rev'd Dr Kathy Galloway, Head of Christian Aid Scotland

The presentation and Q&A session are also available as audio MP3 files:

CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Kathy Galloway (21.7MB)
CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Kathy Galloway Q&A (12.1MB)

Doing Justice in the Public SquarePaper:
Doing Justice in the Public Square - Revd Dr Kathy Galloway (PDF, 45k)

'Speaking with a forked tongue? Christians in the public square'
Professor Gavin D'Costa, Professor of Christian Theology, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol.

The presentation and Q&A session are available as audio MP3 files:

CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Gavin D'Costa (23.5MB)
CTBI conf Nov 2010 - Gavin D'Costa Q&A (19MB)

Gavin D'Costa paperPresentation notes:
Speaking with a forked tongue? - Gavin D'Costa (PDF)


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