Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

theology and unity - archive

ctbi conference

developing ecumenical vision
in the 21st century


Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit
General Secretary, WCC
Photo: ©SEK/Flügge


Members of the networks of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland met on Monday 28 November - Tuesday 29 November 2011 to reflect on developing the ecumenical vision in the 21st Century.

Revd Bob Fyffe, General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, introduced the theme:

"The need for coherent action has never been clearer, the need for greater unity and witness between churches has never been more urgent, and yet so many of the road signs point in other directions. We need a vision for ecumenism for our own time."

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here

The networks were addressed by Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

"The ecumenical movement will continue and will flourish as long as we make the prayer of Jesus our own and challenge each other to respond to it through our lives and the common witness of our churches."  

You can read the transcript, download and listen to his presentation, and watch the video:

Developing the Ecumenical Vision in the 21st Century - Olav Fykse Tveit (PDF)

Developing the Ecumenical Vision in the 21st Century - Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit (MP3) (36MB)

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]


Preparations for the 10th WCC Assembly, South Korea 2013

The Rev Dr Martin Robra, Programme Director for WCC, gave details of the plans for the next WCC Assembly in 2013.

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]

Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit provided extra insight into the preparations:

"This is an assembly to which we belong together, therefore we also need to prepare together and therefore it is not only an event, it is a process and it is something that should lead to the ecumenical movement's shape and purpose for the years after."

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]



Reflections on the plans from Gillian Kingston, CTBI trustee:

"I think this is the challenge for the ecumenical bodies of these islands - we are mutually accountable to each other and yet in each of our four nations we need to have a clear definition."

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]

Evening service

On the evening of 28 November, the Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit also provided the sermon for the worship session based on the material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012.

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]


Christians in Egypt

During the conference Olav Fykse Tveit and Bishop Angaelos discussed the current difficult situation for Christians in Egypt:

"There needs to be a focus on social justice and human rights because if we continue to look at the rights of one part of the community whether Muslims or Christians or anyone else, it's going to continue to be a divided community" - Bishop Angaelos.

[If you are having problems viewing the video you can watch it here]



Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit
© Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - see website for details -