Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

theology and unity - archive

consultative group on
ministry among children

The consultative group on ministry among children (CGMC) is a network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

It has its own website link to external website and emailemail


The Consultative Group on Ministry Among Children was constituted in its present form in 1972. It exists to bring together all those with national responsibility for work with children in denominations and Christian agencies who are in sympathy with the aims and objectives of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

Principal Concerns


The Child in the Church: A ground-breaking report on the church's need for children and the child's place within the church.

Children and Holy Communion: A thought-provoking review of theory and practice in different denominations.

Kaleidoscope: A popular training programme for children's leaders, exploring both theory and practice.

Taking Care: A pack produced to provide training for leaders who have to relate to the issue of child abuse. Available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500).

Big Blue Planet: A selection of songs for children to share with adults.

Unfinished Business: A report encouraging the churches to move forward with their ministry among children. This is accompanied by a study guide - Reflection and Action. [Out of print]

Tuesday's Child: A reader for Christian educators.


CGMC members meet in conference twice a year, when specific issues relating to children's ministry are discussed in depth. The current working groups are the Executive and The Training Group (currently reviewing Kaleidoscope).

At each CGMC conference, a business meeting of all member bodies is held. This is the decision-making body of the organisation. It elects an executive committee. CGMC is self-financing, being funded by fees from its members.

CGMC takes part in the European Conference on Christian Education (ECCE), a forum for churches and agencies (Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox) in all parts of Europe. This conference meets every three years. It considers major thinking related to Christian education in general and work with children in particular. Members of CGMC have the opportunity to attend this conference.


Ministry for children
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