Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

theology and unity - archive

the pauline webb ecumenical fund

Scholarships for women to attend ecumenical conferences

Dr Pauline Webb, the former Vice President of the World Council of Churches, has agreed for a fund to be established in her name to enable women to experience international ecumenical conferences and events.

Preference is given to those attending international ecumenical events for the first or second time; to women under 40; to women from ethnic minorities; to women with expertise who may still not be funded by their churches; and to encourage participation of women from Wales, Ireland (both jurisdictions), Scotland and England.

Normally grants do not exceed 75 percent of the cost of the conference. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of a small panel of women from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Recipients must be women normally resident in Britain or Ireland, and be a member of a Church which is in membership of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, or the national instruments (ACTS, CTE, Cytun, ICC/IICM).

Donations to the fund are also welcome.

How to apply

Download the application details:

Pauline Webb Ecumenical Fund Application details (revised 2012) (PDF)



close-up of a woman\'s face
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