living spirituality network
All links are to external websites:
The Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre
The Religious Experience Research Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, investigates contemporary spiritual/religious experience.
The Alister Hardy Society
The Alister Hardy Society supports the work of the Religious Experience Research Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, disseminates information, and provides a forum for the discussion of contemporary spiritual/religious experience and its importance for us today.
The Art and Spirituality Network
Aims to provide a supportive and challenging space for people to find spiritual fellowship and nourishment through making art. Workshops aim to bring spiritual refreshment as well as fostering inspiration and creativity, are open to active artists and those of no artistic experience, and welcome people of all faiths and none.
Bleddfa Centre
The Bleddfa Centre was founded to provide a centre for those exploring the relationship between creativity and spirituality and how the two can lead to a richer and fuller life for each of us... enabling people to find something to nourish and replenish the spirit.
Christians Awakening to a New Awareness
A network of Christians who are seeking ways to live the teachings of Jesus unencumbered by outdated traditions.
The Community for Reconciliation
A network community of people committed to praying and working for peace and justice, supporting work in East Africa, Croatia, Romania, India and the United Kingdom and operating Barnes Close, a conference centre near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.
Contemplative Fire
Contemplative Fire celebrates the sacrament of the present moment in the beauty of nature, in contemplative liturgy and teaching. It seeks to provide opportunities at many levels for personal and group work to enable us to enter deeply into the understanding and teaching of Jesus and the Christian mystics.
Creating and supporting spiritual conversation, the aim is to encourage and equip people to speak gracefully to one another about the spiritual dimension to life and provide a methodology and 'way of relating' for small conversation groups, facilitation training, resources, ideas, support and a network for facilitators and group leaders.
The Corrymeela Community
Aims to promote reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious and political divisions, working throughout Northern Ireland and beyond, developing and delivering focused community relations work through single-identity, cross-community and cross-border community, and residentially based programmes.
A movement which celebrates all life as deeply connected and sacred. This radical vision brings together the rigour of science, the freedom of creativity, the passion of social action and the wisdom of spiritual traditions of all ages.
The Ikon Collective
Inhabiting a space on the outer edges of religious life, Ikon are a Belfast-based collective who offer anarchic experiments in transformance art. Challenging the distinction between theist and atheist, faith and no faith, their main gathering employs a cocktail of live music, visual imagery, soundscapes, theatre, ritual and reflection in an attempt to open up the possibility of a theodramatic event.
The Iona Community
An ecumenical community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church; committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to following where that leads, even into the unknown; engaged together, and with people of goodwill across the world, in acting, reflecting and praying for justice, peace and the integrity of creation; convinced that the inclusive community we seek must be embodied in the community we practise.
The Julian Meetings
Contemplative prayer groups, waiting on God in the silence; fostering the teaching and practice of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition and encouraging people to explore praying silently in ways that are natural for them, both individually and in groups. Ecumenical, with 340 Meetings in the UK. Quiet Days. Magazine.
The London Centre for Spirituality
The aim of the London Centre for Spirituality is to provide a Christian response to the contemporary thirst for meaning and purpose. The Centre is a resource for prayer, exploration, training and development to serve both clergy and laity, churched and un-churched.
The Othona Community
An open Christian community, whose purpose is to provide, mainly through its two centres in Essex and Dorset, a welcoming, accepting place with a pattern of work, worship, study and play, where people of different beliefs, cultures, classes, abilities and ages can discover how to live together, learn from each other, explore together the relationship between faith and life with a view to more positive action in the world, and encourage one another in caring for the world and its people.
The Open Christianity Network (Ireland)
A network of people who wish to engage with the Christian tradition in their search for meaning, who affirm the freedom of each individual to develop their own spiritual vision, and accept that in this task there are differences as well as similarities between us.
Progressive Christianity Network Britain
PCN Britain supports people whose faith makes them feel isolated in their Christian communities and promotes a fresh vision of Christianity. It is a network of people sharing and promoting open Christian understanding both within and outside the church, and is open to liberating and radical ideas. Its approach is ecumenical - it has members from all mainstream denominations, and the majority of the members are lay people.
The Retreat Association
Provides an information resource for those involved in retreat work and spiritual direction, including inquirers who are seeking to further their spiritual journey but are not part of the established church.
Spirited Exchanges UK Network
An umbrella name for a variety of initiatives for people whose previous faith paradigms are unravelling. It is based on the recognition that many people of all ages and backgrounds have left the institutional church and are struggling with issues related to faith, church and institutional religion.
St Mark's Centre for Radical Christianity, Sheffield
Working to explore the meaning of the Christian faith in the 21st century and to offer a fresh vision of an inclusive and open Church.
The Well at Willen
A project of the Society of the Sacred Mission (SSM), the Well is a residential lay community working in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue in Milton Keynes. The Well operates as a conference and retreat centre as well as running a programme of events in support of its values.
The Well at Willen Library
The library holds a comprehensive collection of approximately 10,000 books on spirituality, Christian theology and religion, as well as some background reading on other subjects, and most of the stock is available for loan. The catalogue can be accessed online.
The World Community for Christian Meditation
Inspired by Benedictine monk, John Main (1926-82), whose vision was to restore the contemplative dimension of faith and life to the Church and taught a way of meditation using the silent repetition of a prayer word. The community in the UK has c. 300 local groups, arranges meditation days, retreats and an annual conference, and distributes a quarterly newsletter.
The Wrekin Trust
An educational charity which was started in 1971 by Sir George Trevelyan Bt for spiritual education of a non-sectarian kind. Its main aim now is to advance education and learning across different faith and spiritual communities by creating safe meeting spaces for connections, dialogue, learning and social action.