Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

china - archive

china liaison 

amity teaching programme 

The Amity Foundation is an independent voluntary organisation established by Chinese Protestant Christians in 1985. Although founded by Christians and closely associated with the Chinese Protestant church, Amity itself is independent of the church and includes Christians and non-Christians among its staff.

Churches in Britain and Ireland have worked with Amity since its inception, particularly on English teaching programmes for universities in China's developing western provinces. Teachers are recruited on a two year contract, presenting a unique opportunity to discover Chinese culture and contribute to local church life. Short-term voluntary opportunities are also possible to arrange. 

The Amity Foundation has also undertaken many rural and urban development projects, ranging from micro-credit schemes to providing care and equipment for people with disabilities. Forum members have been regular contributors to this much-needed work.

a Chinese boy wearing a cap
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