Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

inter-religious - archive

inter-religious dialogue
and the churches 

Over the past 25 years or so, churches have been involved in a range of inter-religious activity. This has included showing hospitality to minority communities, standing alongside other faiths in times of crisis and developing dialogue with one or more religions. It has also involved raising awareness of religious plurality through theological colleges, supporting the Standard Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), and a range of national and international church-based inter faith work.                                   

Previously, the emphasis has focussed on Christians engaging with people of other religions without the intention of trying to convert them.  While there is still a case to be made for this approach, new priorities have been identified:

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland seeks to take these new priorities forward in partnership with, and in support of, our member churches.

Young Buddhists
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