Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

inter-religious - archive


November 2014

The Cadbury Lectures 2014: Is the New Testament Anti-Jewish?
25 November - 3 December 2014
Professor Amy-Jill Levine, University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, provides a 'historically informed and theologically sensitive reading of those New Testament passages that some claim to be anti-Jewish, rooted in a recognition that both Judaism and Christianity formed their identities in dialogue and debate with each other. The series explores and celebrates where Judaism and Christianity agree, as well as where they disagree.'
University of Birmingham link to external website 

September 2014

Interfaith declaration on climate change
30 faith leaders representing nine religions signed their names to a statement calling for concrete actions to curb carbon emissions, at a conference jointly hosted by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Religions for Peace, an interfaith coalition with members in more than 70 countries.
World Council of Churches link to external website

July 2014

WCC announces September Interfaith Summit on Climate Change
More than 30 religious leaders will take a united stand to encourage international and political leaders to address the causes and consequences of climate change at the Interfaith Summit on Climate Change on September 21-22 in New York City.
World Council of Churches link to external website

Interfaith Week report: Celebrating 2013 and planning for 2014
Download a short report on Interfaith Week 2013, which includes planning tips for 2014.
Interfaith Week link to external website

May 2014

WCC materials for those engaged in ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue
The WCC is to develop materials to assist churches engaged in both ecumenical dialogue and inter-religious dialogue, following a meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order and the WCC's programme for inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. The meeting found that sometimes groups or individuals may find themselves with responsibility for both ecumenical and inter-religious concerns and would welcome assistance about the different goals and methods appropriate to each context. It also suggested that, in some instances, expertise in one field could lead to a devaluing of the insights and importance of the other.
World Council of Churches link to external website

April 2014

Black Country Near Neighbours looking for a Co-ordinator
This national scheme funded by the Department of Communities and Local Government works at a local level to bring people of different faiths together, to build relationships, and to encourage civic engagement. The co-ordinator for the Black Country will cover the City of Wolverhampton and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall.
Black Country Near Neighbours Co-ordinator (PDF)

September 2013

Hindu-Christian Forum Comparing Notes Series
A series of practical faith linked dialogues told through the personal stories of individuals pursuing their hopes and aspirations, sometimes in the face of tremendous challenges and conflict. Each session will comprise of two individuals ‘Comparing Notes' on a connected topic followed by Q&A and a discussion.
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome to attend.

18 Sep 2013: Comparing Notes Series (1) - Hindu-Christian Forum (PDF)
17 Oct 2013: Comparing Notes Series (2) - Hindu-Christian Forum
20 Nov 2013: 'Inner Strength'
11 Dec 2013: 'Getting Faith Learning on Track'

Contact: Hindu-Christian Forum email

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2014 workshops
Reserve your place at a free Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2014 workshop, taking place across the UK throughout September and October 2013.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust link to external website

May 2013

InterFaith Network UK Statement on Woolwich attack
A statement was signed by Co-Chairs and Vice-Chairs, including CTBI General Secretary Bob Fyffe.
InterFaith network for the UK link to external website 

February 2013

Jewish-Christian relations - continuing the dialogue
Read the talk by Peter Colwell (Director of Programmes at Churches Together in Britain and Ireland) to the London Society of Jews and Christians.
Jewish-Christian relations - continuing the dialogue (PDF)

Jews and Christians: Is there any point in continuing the dialogue?
7 Feb 2013, 7-8.30pm, North London
A discussion between Philip Rosenberg, Director of the Faiths Forum for London, and Peter Colwell, Director of Programmes, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Faiths Forum for London

January 2012

Statement on Jewish-Christian relations
The Churches' Inter-Religious Network has made a public statement about the importance of a strong relationship between the churches and the Jewish community.
Churches' Inter Religious Network 

July 2011

Statement on the attacks in Norway
The Co-Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK say they are profoundly shocked and saddened by the tragic loss of life in Norway.
Statement on attacks in Norway from Inter Faith Network for the UK (PDF)

November 2010

9th Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies
June 30th - July 4th 2011, Liverpool Hope University
Next year's theme is Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives. Invited speakers will address five themes: Hope and the Critique of Hope; Hope in Pastoral Situations; Embodiments of Hope; Hope in Situations of Hopelessness; and Eschatologies of Hope. Speakers include: Professor Sathi Clarke; Professor Mitsuya Dake, Professor Richard Gombrich; Professor Anthony Kelly; Dr Sallie King, Dr Hirosha Munehiro Niwano and Peggy Morgan.
Welcome letter: 9th Conf European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (PDF)
Call for papers: 9th Conf European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (PDF)

August 2010

Inter Faith Conference at Church of Ireland Theological Institute
The challenges and opportunities of inter faith relations in twenty-first century Ireland will be the focus of a special conference to be held in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 September.
Church of Ireland link to external website 

July 2010

ICCJ pleas for moderation when discussing the Middle East
"Let us have mercy upon words" when talking about the Middle East says the International Council of Christians and Jews, which says respectful dialogue is essential for mutual respect among all religious communities, especially ones afflicted by political conflict.
International Council of Christians and Jews link to external website

April 2010

New teaching on interreligious dialogue from the Catholic Church
Meeting God in Friend and Stranger: fostering mutual respect and understanding between the religions reminds all Catholics that they are called by their Baptism to engage in dialogue with others, and specifically with people of other religions.
Catholic Church in England and Wales link to external website

Centenary Seminar - Reflections on Lesslie Newbigin in India
10th July 2010, St Philip's Centre, Leicester.
More details

Seminar for British Clergy at Yad Vashem, the International School for Holocaust Studies
4th - 15th October 2010, Israel
An intensive 10 days of lectures, seminars and workshops specifically for clergy and lay leaders. The programme is designed jointly by the Head of the British Desk at Yad Vashem, and Dr Jane Clements, consultant for the Council of Christians and Jews.
Yad Vashem Seminar Flyer 2010 (PDF)
Yad Vashem Sample Programme 2010 (PDF)
Yad Vashem Application form 2010 (PDF)

Study for a Certificate in Inter Faith Relations
This course from the London Inter Faith Centre seeks to introduce religions and ideological stances and their presence and manner of functioning in the UK.
Contact London Interfaith Centre email

March 2010

Christian Muslim Relations in Britain: Insights and Lessons from Africa
Talk by Dr John Azumah for the annual lecture of the Bradford Churches for Dialogue and Diversity, Wednesday 12th May 2010.
BCDD annual lecture 2010 (PDF)

Inter Faith Week - 21st to 27th November 2010
The week aims to strengthen good inter faith relations at all levels; to increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK; and to increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious belief.
Inter Faith Week link to external website

October 2009

John Denham MP addresses the Churches' Inter Religious Network
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government was positive about the relationship between government and faith in a speech to the Churches' Inter Religious Network.

August 2009

Archbishop condemns atrocities in Pakistan
Recent atrocities against Christians in Pakistan are an abuse of real faith and an injury to its reputation as well as an outrage against common humanity, says the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Archbishop of Canterbury link to external website

January 2009

Christian Muslim Forum response to Gaza and Israel
The co-chairs of the Christian Muslim Forum say they are deeply distressed by the news of hundreds dead in Gaza and deaths in Israel.
Christian Muslim Forum link to external website




Korean temple guards
Inter-religious publications
Inter-religious publications Explore this range of publications looking at how Christians and churches can relate to those of other faiths
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Christian-Muslim relations
Bible study for Above Us and Between Us Download this short Bible study from Above Us and Between Us
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