Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

inter-religious - archive

churches' inter religious network

The Churches' Inter Religious Network succeeds the Churches' Commission for Inter Faith Relations (formerly The Committee for Relations with People of Other Faiths).

It is the churches' ecumenical forum on inter faith matters and aims to:

Jewish-Christian relations

Over the past 12 months a major item on the agenda of the Churches Inter-Religious Network has been Jewish-Christian relations. This included a one day consultation where the different churches met together to share openly and honestly where they saw their own relationships to the Jewish community. The result was a strong desire to make a public statement about the importance of a strong relationship between the churches and the Jewish community. This statement can be downloaded below:

Statement on Jewish-Christian Relations 2012 (PDF)

Importance of Inter Faith Relations

The following is a view from HG Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Moderator of the Churches' Inter Religious Network:

View from HG Bishop Angaelos (PDF)

Burmese religious man
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